Geek Cred Episode #22 – Randal Schwartz

This episode of Geek Cred features an interview with programmer Randal Schwartz, who talks about programming, the future of computers, and more.

Steve is at the New Media Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada, Thursday, August 14th to Saturday, August 16th.

Length: 47:32
Size: 32.6 MB


  1. This was a fun interview to do. Thanks for having me as a guest!

    • TDogg
    • August 14th, 2008

    The FLOSS weekly URL is incorrect. It should be not

  2. Nice interview! I keep almost investigating smalltalk or squeak, but the environment is a bit weird for a Mac user. I’ll have to give it another look.

    And don’t worry overmuch about the frequency of your ‘casts. Just keep doing good interviews.

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