Geek Cred Episode #15 – Venus Rises

In this episode, Geek Cred returns from an unexpected hiatus with an interview with J.G. Birdsall, creator and producer of independent science fiction television show Venus Rises, along with 3D artists Stephen Gilbert and Arnand Kularajah. Look for Venus Rises this November online and on Illusion TV.

Length: 30:25
Size: 20.8 MB


  1. can’t have good sci-fi without the kick-ass CG! It’s good to hear from the 3D artists… whose work gives VR that truly unique appeal.

  2. Nice podcast – went to check out the website hoping to watch it and its not available to watch online yet 🙁
    Looking forward to seeing this when they release.
    Great content Steve – just how do you get all these interviews?

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