Geek Cred #1

Welcome to Geek Cred Show #1!

In this first ever episode of Geek Cred we have an interview with J. Marcus Xavier of the original podcast audio drama Silent Universe, along with some geek trivia.

Thanks for checking out the show!

Length: 35:07
Size: 16 MB


  1. Hey Steve, Great job on your first episode! I’m glad you finally got it out and you did a fantastic job on it. By far this was a great interview for your first episode. I hope to hear many more episodes like this one. See you around


  2. Dude… great interview! Very well done, keep it going!

    Listening to Silent Universe now… thanks for turning me on to it.


  3. Hey dude

    Absolutely great show!! I guess with both of our shows debuting this month, looks like I am going to have to pull something big out of the hat since you’ve set the bar so high. DAMN!!!

    Keep the show going dude, its great


  4. Steve,

    Thanks so much for inviting me to be on the show. Even though I thought I talked too much I’m glad you were able to find material to work with. It was fun to sit down and chat-it-up with ya. Good luck with Geek Cred in the future!!1

  5. Steve,

    Great 1st podcast. Not many sound that good right out of the gate. The subject matter and the guest were interesting. I look forward to more.

    You mentioned that you were based in California. Where specifically? I am out of Elk Grove, Ca., just south of Sacramento. I would be interested in your podcast setup as you had such excellent audio.

  6. I’m from Santa Clarita, California, which is in the Los Angeles area. As far as audio…well what I used wasn’t at all impressive. Just a Plantronics DSP-500 headset microphone and some post-production–mostly noise removal and dynamic range compression.

  7. Steve,

    Great job! Audio quality was pretty good. I dunno if there is a way to boost the gain or volume in production, I had to turn my speakers up pretty loud to listen, but the quality itself was really good. After listening I’m definitely going to check out Silent Universe. I think that you have plenty of raw talent to shape this into a pretty successful podcast. One more thing, try to make your direct download link a little more visible, I had trouble finding it. I know that you want to push the RSS feeds, especially the iTunes. The more people that use that, the higher your ranking, but for first timers like, well pretty much everyone at this point, make sure that the direct link is pretty visible. Anyway, great job and keep going, I think you have a good thing on your hands!


    • Steve Bickle
    • February 2nd, 2007


    Great job really enjoyed episode 1 of the podcast. I will this to my iTunes subscriptions. Good interview with JMX first, time I’ve heard him speak about Silent Universe, I’ll be a little more patient waiting for episodes now I know what goes into it. Got to listen to your next show now, meant to be working, but wanted to give ve feedback. All the best.


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