Archive for May, 2013

Geoff Lapaire

Geoff Lapaire is a Canadian filmmaker behind the popular web series Pure Pwnage and Space Janitors.

Geoff started Pure Pwnage, one of the very first web series, back in 2004 with Jarrett Cale. Before the launch of YouTube and the emergence of streaming video, the mockumentary of video game culture became an Internet phenomenon, and was even adapted for television. His current project, science fiction parody series Space Janitors, is in it second season on Geek & Sundry.

Go behind the scenes and learn about Pure Pwnage‘s explosive growth from very modest origins, making the jump from the Internet to television series, and how he first met and came to collaborate with production partner Davin Lengyel. Plus, the inspirations for Space Janitors, the unique challenges in making a space-based series, advice for up and coming filmmakers who want to produce their own web series, and more.

Help make Season 3 of Space Janitors a reality by supporting their fundraising campaign on Indie Go Go–pledge today!

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Ron Richards

Ron Richards is the co-founder and former editor of iFanboy and now Director of Business Development at Image Comics.

Learn how he first got in to comics, the genesis of comics fan site iFanboy, and his journey from comics fan to industry insider with Image Comics.

Plus, the digital revolution as it relates to comics, if Comic-Con is really about comics anymore, how there’s more to comics than just stereotypical superhero stories, and more.

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Bill Doran

Photo Courtesy Soulfire Photography

Photo Courtesy Soulfire Photography

Bill Doran operates Punished Props, and his costuming and prop building work has been featured at sites like Tested and can be seen at popular conventions.

Learn how he got in to costuming and prop building, what’s so special about going to conventions in costume, and his journey to taking his hobby full-time, and advice for people that might be interested but don’t know where to start.

Plus, how members of the community eagerly share their knowledge, what makes replica props special compared to Hollywood props, the difficulties in translating fictional items to physical props, and more.

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